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NATO to modernise its press and media event management business practices



NATO calls for modernisation of its press and media event management business practices and supporting software platforms. Deadline 24/7.

Winner should: 1) Strengthen NATO’s event management practice so that the tools used by the International Staff and shared with NATO Allies hosting meetings abroad are relying on up to date technologies and so that the business processes are highly responsive, adapted, in tune with industry best practice and with stakeholders’ expectations. 2) Procure the services of a team of analysts, highly qualified and with in-depth experience in event management to help identify the means by which to meet the corporate objective detailed above. 3) Perform an analysis of business processes which allows the assessment of where NATO stands in relation to industry best practices in event management; 4) Develop a solution to fill identified gaps and a detailed statement of work that can be used to procure and implement the stated solution; and 5) Obtain expert advice on how to improve internal business processes and practices. and 6) Allow the Contractor sufficient flexibility to manage the project within a controlled environment so as to provide a high-value contribution in support to the NATO corporate and contract objectives, within existing constraints and available funding.

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