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NATO needs a new communications campaign concept and strategy

Call: New communications campaign concept and strategy

Contracting authority: NATO HQ, Brussels

Deadline: 26/10

Start: contract signature – end: no later than Dec.31, 2020

Bidders are informed that the total firm fixed price of a proposal must not exceed the limitations of € 160.000. Bidders must note that offers that result in a total price lower than € 100.000 may be considered as non-realistic and eliminated from further consideration without further clarification.

The purpose of this Request For Proposals is to award a single contract for the provision of new communications campaign concept and strategy to raise awareness and support for NATO’s role securing peace and freedom in member states.

The prospective Contractor will work with Public Diplomacy Division at NATO that aims to strengthen NATO’s public image by increasing public awareness and understanding of NATO’s policies and activities, and ultimately enhancing trust in and support for the Alliance.

The prospective contractor will be required to provide the following deliverables:

* Campaign creative concept and strategy

* Visual identity guidelines

* Creative asset templates

* Campaign Implementation plan


Corporate objective – The new campaign concept and strategy will allow NATO to better engage its key target audiences segment of young people in a way that resonates with them and can drive awareness, understanding and support for the organization. This should directly support the objective to build NATO support with a key demographic stipulated in the 2020 communications strategy.

The Contractor must possess the necessary resources and capabilities for the fulfilment of this contract. The Contractor must:

•             Demonstrate at least 5 years’ experience in communications campaigns strategy and delivery, demonstrated experience of public sector campaigns will receive a high score for the resource and capability evaluation.

•             Experience in planning and delivery of digital and online media campaigns is required.

•             Have performed at least five relevant projects.

•             Experience of international campaigns and multilingual campaigns is desirable.

•             Experience of campaigns targeting youth audiences is desirable.

•             Demonstration of at least 3 years’ experience in the localisation of communications campaigns across segmented target markets (specified geographic areas) is desirable.

The contractor must appoint a Project Lead who will be considered as key Personnel for the performance of this task order. The Project Lead must:

•             Demonstrate at least 3 years’ experience in communications campaigns strategy and delivery, Demonstrated experience of public sector campaigns will receive a high score for the resource and capability evaluation..

•             Demonstrate experience in planning and delivery of digital and online media campaigns required.

•             Have both a portfolio and professional references that demonstrate competencies of past performance on a minimum of five relevant projects.

•             Experience of international campaigns and multilingual campaigns is desirable.

•             Experience of campaigns targeting youth audiences is desirable

•             Possess excellent communication skills, both oral and written.

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