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NATO in need of new office space again



Not so long ago, NATO headquarters abandoned its old, inadequate headquarters and moved across the road to a new… Here we go again, more office containers are going to be bought again:

RFI: Design, construction, exploitation and dismantling of temporary office buildings at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium

Buyer: NATO HQ

Closing 31/10

Background: NATO Headquarters intends to temporary expand its office facilities capacity in Brussels, Belgium. In 2023 a first temporary building with a capacity of up to 100 workplaces was built using modular units.

NATO is now seeking proposals from qualified specialised firms to further expand its offices facilities adding up to 300 extra workplaces in up to two new temporary buildings. The new temporary buildings, namely T2 and T3, will be built at different times on two separate locations on NATO HQ site. The desired duration for use for each building is estimated between 5 and 10 years.

The two areas where the new temporary buildings should be built, the pre-existing elements in those areas, the maximum footprint and volume as well as the utility connections available are described in this Request for Information (RFI).

This RFI is structured in two parts, the first part focuses on identifying the most suitable constructive technique for the above-mentioned buildings considering a fast deployment time (< 10 months from signature of contract to occupation), a cost-effective solution, a low carbon footprint and a building resulting fulfilling NATO’s specific requirements in terms of comfort, accessibility and security. The deployment time of the construction should be as short as possible.

The second part of the request aims to explore effective layouts based on the proposed constructive solution. For this part NATO presents several sample layouts and a list of minimal requirements in terms of space characteristics and variety.

The aggregated objective is to provide NATO with a sustainable, accessible, secure and flexible workplace infrastructure up to the standards of contemporary office spaces.

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