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Nástroj pro rezervaci zasedacích místností + Hospitality a AV management. Pro banku v Londýně


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Zakázka: Provision of a Meeting Room Booking Tool incorporating Hospitality Management, Audio Visual Management and Wayfinding
Zadavatel: Evropská banka se sídlem v Londýně

Stručný popis: The purpose of this tender is to provide the Bank with a single Software as a Service solution for booking meeting rooms that is straight forward, integrated and efficient. The Solution will provide a front end user interface to book meeting rooms, hospitality, event management, AV/VC, meeting room configurations/set-up and visitor management across all floors of the Bank.
The Solution will have features which allow staff to see, in real-time, what meeting room space is available/occupied across the 2nd floor (and be able to book it) through kiosks at entry points. The kiosks should be free standing and incorporate an interactive touch screen to allow the user to control the view being displayed and also make bookings.
In addition, staff will be able to book rooms through an interactive digital display screen on the outside of each meeting room.
The Solution will provide a user friendly and integrated (with MS Exchange (Outlook)) meeting room booking system with the ability to book, amend and cancel rooms and all associated requirements simultaneously.

BTW: banka má 62 zasedacích místností, které by měl nový systém pokrývat.

Potřebujete mimo jiné ISO9001, 18001 a 27001 nebo jejich ekvivalenty a minimální roční obrat v posledních třech ukončených finančních letech 500 tisíc liber. A ideálně nějakého partnera v UK (můžu zajistit).

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