Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Police na knihy pro beztresovou zónu Vídeňského mezinárodního centra



Tendr: Supply, delivery, installation of shelving units at VIC (Vienna International Centre) Library

Zadavatel: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna

Deadline: 26/11

Scope: This specification describes the requirements for supply, delivery, and installation of shelving units for the Stress-Free Zone room in the library room in F Building of the Vienna International Center.

The objective of the renovation project is to provide a relaxing space in the library for staff and visitors to read and work in a contemplative, stress-free area.

Technical Requirements

The Shelving units shall meet the following technical requirements:

* The shelving units shall have adjustable shelves;

* be steel with a wood veneer on outside surfaces;

* be provided with colour white wood and light Lakeland acacia;

* install LED light strips

* have each the dimensions of approximately H240cm x W100cm x D35-40cm; and

* have a total of 22 units of the shelves

The Contractor shall guarantee:

a) delivery time of maximum six (6) weeks after receipt of purchase order; and

b) long life span period of the shelves.

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