Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Nábytek pro novou budovu agentury eu-LISA ve Štrasburku, za €2.5m



Zakázka: Rámcová smlouva na dodávky týkající se dodání nábytku pro novou budovu v provozním středisku eu-LISA ve Štrasburku, Francie

Zadavatel: Evropská agentura pro provozní řízení rozsáhlých informačních systémů v prostoru svobody, bezpečnosti a práva (eu-LISA), Tallinn – Estonsko

Rámcová smlouva na 4 roky

Orientační budget €2.500.000

Zakázka není rozdělena na části/loty.

Contract will include, but is not limited to, the following: – Furniture for the work spaces: desks, storage, office accessories, management office furnishings, pigeon-holes, office chairs, visitor chairs; – Furniture for meeting spaces: meeting room and video-conferencing tables, team working space tables, team working space chairs, meeting room chairs, modular and reception rooms, boxes; – Furniture for common relaxation areas and cafeteria area; – Decoration (plants and plant wall); – Lockers.

Základní/minimální požadavky:

  1. The candidate must have an overall annual turnover of at least 1,000,000.00 EUR (one million Euro) in each of the past three/two years for which the accounts have been closed.
  2. The candidate must have a valid professional risk indemnity insurance.
  3. The candidate must have relevant proven experience in the supply of office furniture contracts for at least 2 different customers during the last 3 years. These contracts must be relevant (executed in the field of the supply of office furniture) and of minimum 500,000.00 EUR (five hundred thousand Euro) as total value of supplies for each customer.

Deadline 18/10

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