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Monitoring a analýza sociálních médií pro NATO. Tendr právě zahájen


NATO dnes oznámilo Request for quotation pro svoji zakázku Social Media Monitoring and Analysis Tool. Odpovědi očekává nejpozději do 20. prosince – 15:00.

O co zhruba jde: The Head Digital Insights needs to be able to both analyze the owned social media channels but in addition also needs to monitor and analyze what others are saying about NATO – i.e. the NATO buzz on social media or earned social media. (pozn.: NATO sleduje: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Flickr, Pinterest a Google+)

The core requirements of the tool should be:

  • Social Media Monitoring
  • Social Media Analytics and Insight
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Audience Engagement
  • Management

Users/volume of search: The monitoring and analysis tool is a core requirement for the team and will be used on a continuous daily basis. The team using the tool will consist of the Head Digital Insights and the social media team (2 staff members), in addition the tool might also be required by the Press Service (3 staff members). The initial total number of users will not exceed 10 users. In light of the changing volume/users it would be preferable to have a formula that contains an unlimited volume. Volume of search. Based on previous usage of social media monitoring and analysis tools the volume of buzz is around 5000 to 8000 mentions per day but at peak times this volume could rise to 1 Million or more mentions per month.

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