Brussels connection

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Mobile apps development. Client: WHO, Geneve

Long-term agreement for the development, maintenance and support of mobile apps and other related online tools

World Health Organization, Geneve

Deadline 31/3

The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to enter into a contractual agreement with a successful bidder and select a suitable Contractor to carry out the following work:

• Maintenance and support for the following (but not limited to) mobile applications (apps) and related online tools: Malaria Toolkit app, TB Report app, TB Knowledge Sharing Platform, TB research tracker, Global Task Force on Cholera Control’s (GTFCC) app, online platform, HHS Info apps on HIV guidelines, HST and VMMC, and GRS Info app. The work will include improvement of the applications’ user-friendliness, security and accessibility to a non-English speaking public, as well as development of new features and components to enhance upload of new content into the apps and automation of the applications’ content with related online platforms for data collection and other online tools.

• Development of and support for the following (but not limited to) and related online tools, data collection platforms and repositories, databases and knowledge sharing platforms: National Cholera Plan (NCP), TB surveillance and surveys, TB sequencing, and rGLC data repository.

• Development and support for the following (but not limited to) apps: HHS Info apps on PWID, MSM, SW, Transgender people, and prisoners.

• Collection of information and reporting on usage and data analytics for apps and online tools and platforms as requested.

• Similar work for other departments and units for WHO.

Previous experience


• Proven experience in the field of :

• User experience design

• Multi-platform development (specifically Android and iOS)

• In-depth knowledge of at least one of the main app programming languages (Angular, React, Swift, Java, JavaScript, C#, HTML, …)

• Creation of interactive tables with dynamic filters, algorithms and calculators

• Third-party libraries and APIs (such as but not exclusively limited to MAGICapp, DHIS2 and OpenWHO)

• Web front-end development, UI/UX design

• Database and data collection platforms development

• Hosting secure, data-driven web applications with user authentication.

• Previous work with WHO, other international organizations and/or major institutions in the field of mobile app development (Provide examples of released applications on the App store or the Android Play Store) ;


• Experience in Dashboard/Visualization creation

• Knowledge of WHO IT infrastructure and cybersecurity requirements.

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