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Mezinárodní trestní soud (Haag) bude potřebovat nový Management Information System



Tender: Management Information System

Zadavatel: International Criminal Court (ICC) – The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV), Haag

EOI deadline 29/3, RFP bude následovat

Background:The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) has been managing their programme data and results with paper-based tooling. As it is growing, there is a need to discontinue the current tooling and adopt an electronic system.  The  Management  Information  System  should  enable  TFV  personnel  to  securely  enter relevant project implementation, non-public information and report to upper management.

TFV handles programme information and the Performance Management Plan with the creation of Excel spreadsheets in combination with Word documents and PowerPoint presentations. This is the first initiative to automate the management of programme information.

Summary Scope of Work: ICC hereafter the “customer” is interested in developing a web- based  solution  to  replace  existing  paper-based  reporting  mechanism  with  information  collected from programmes and performance management plan. The solution must be capable to work off and on premises, and be accessible on any web enabled devices with emphasis on desktops and laptop endpoints.

With  the  solution,  implementing  partners  will  enter  relevant  information  collected  from  the programmes  and  performance  management  plan,  and  produce  reports  depicting  the  narrative related to beneficiary breakdown, major achievements and challenges, major projects and project environment changes, and partnerships and cooperation.

For the  purpose  of  this  project  Court  will  consider  both  development  of  the  solution,  or customization of an off-the-shelf product.

The Court is flexible in terms of technology and hosting options for the solution; please refer to the detailed requirements section of the document for exact specifications. It can be hosted on premises or in  a  private  cloud  in  compliance  with  security  requirements.  Vendors are  required  to  have previous successful experience in implementing similar projects.

The detailed scope of work will be given under the Request for Proposal documents that will be sent to the qualified vendors who respond to this EOI.

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