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Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii (Vídeň) hledá dodavatele systému pro rozesílání varování přes sociální sítě

Zakázka: Social Media Simulator for Emergency Preparedness and Response Exercises

Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency, Vídeň

Jazyk: angličtina

Deadline: 27/3

Background: The IAEA Incident and Emergency Centre (IEC) prepares and conducts exercises to strengthen the Agency’s response arrangements and capabilities, as well as those of Member States, with regard to nuclear and radiological emergencies. One of the IAEA’s five emergency response roles is to provide accurate and timely public information. Procedures and tools are in place to develop and publish public statements during an emergency. This process is tested during the exercises. In 2016, the decision was taken to expand the number of exercises to also include specific exercises for public communication.

Social media is prevalent and is a major part of any public information. The IEC seeks to have a system which provides simulated social media platforms in order to test social media preparedness and response.

In the past, the IEC has mocked up social media injects on a shared blog site but this has been time consuming and does not allow for the proper level of real-time, reactive postings. The IAEA’s Office of Public Information and Communication (OPIC) takes part in exercises to test its readiness and response for communicating during emergencies. The social media simulator will provide OPIC with a secure platform to simulate the use of social media in an emergency, including how they post information, links to official public statements and how they respond to the public.

Scope: This Statement of Work describes the IAEA’s requirements for the provision of software and services to establish a social media simulator (MIMIC) for emergency response exercises. MIMIC will cover Facebook and Twitter-like channels, as well as a simulation of the IAEA website and will allow for graphics to be used to simulate mock news articles. The IAEA would like to engage a software provider that would ideally deliver an out-of-the-box product or online service to suit these requirements. The solution should be open to internal IAEA players and selected counterparts from Member States, when requested, for their use during exercises.

The contractor should have in its service offering the ability for training, ongoing support and maintenance of the product, including updates.

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