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Kdo pomůže Radě Evropy s e-learningovými kurzy? SPĚCHÁ!



Tendr: Konzultační služby pro pořádání eLearningových kurzů

Zadavatel: Rada Evropy (v rámci programu EU/CoE Joint Programme ““Intercultural Learning Exchange through Global Education, Networking and Dialogue – iLEGEND”)

Odhad celkového rozpočtu: €66.000/2 roky

EXPECTED SERVICES: The Council is looking for a provider, who will offer the 1) technical realisation, 2) the course offer and monitoring and 3) the evaluation of 12 eLearning courses (four e-courses for each topic), for the period of 24 months. These four-week long eLearning courses are based on approximately 150 pages of educational material that include a diversity of interactive individual and group exercises with coached assignments; a glossary; a virtual library as well as a discussion forum. Such exercises aim at developing competences in the fields of teambuilding, mapping of GE situation in participants’ countries, GE strategies and GE activity development. These courses, monitored, tutored and evaluated by three coaches, involve 10 hours of learning per week, which includes reading, discussion and response to interactive exercises.

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Tenderers shall demonstrate that they fulfil the following criteria: Ø Three years of experience in providing eLearning courses, administration, evaluation, tutoring and selection of participants (in all the activities mentioned under section III A/C); Ø Experience in the fields of Global Education, Human Rights, Intercultural Dialogue and Democratic Citizenship; Ø Provide two references from the clients where similar service was provided; Ø Already existing learning management system.

Deadline: 11/5

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