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Kdo dokáže převést web Evropské ekonomické komise OSN z Typo3 do Drupalu 8?

Zakázka: Provision of technical solutions to migrate the main UNECE website

Zadavatel: United Nations Secretariat – UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

První fáze tendru – Expression of Interest (EOI) deadline 6/6

Description: The purpose of this EOI is to identify potential suppliers that can provide technical solutions to migrate the main UNECE website ( to a UN standard Content Management System – Drupal 8. UNECE seeks support for setting up the new Drupal 8 based solution that meets UNECE requirements and for preparing the required migration tools to automatically extract and move the web content from the current Typo3 to Drupal. As a high level business requirement, the target website should provide similar capabilities and visitor experience for the current UNECE website – As a high level technical requirement, the target website should be designed with the highest standards in terms of security, stability and maintainability. This implies the use, to the maximum possible extend, of core and popular contributed Drupal capabilities.

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