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Kdo by chtěl vytvořit “interaktivní toolkit” včetně simulační hry pro Radu Evropy?

Tendr: Development of the Interactive Toolkit: “Find your Faro Way”
Zadavatel: Conseil de l´Europe (CoR) – Rada Evropy, Štrasburk FR
Deadline pro projevení zájmu: 19. února (POZOR: jde o datum doručení, EOI se posílá fyzicky – poštou!)

Jazyk tendru: angličtina

Background: The Faro Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society is first and foremost a convention about cultural heritage, conceived for the benefit of the society and implemented by the citizens. It is one of the ways through which the Council of Europe helps its Member States to face the societal challenges, individually or collectively.
The overall objective of developing the Interactive Toolkit: Find your Faro Way is to increase the engagement of heritage communities/civil society in cultural heritage governance – by offering guidelines for practical application of the Faro Convention Principles – and enhance the ratification by national authorities of non-signatory states of the Faro Convention – by promoting and disseminating the Convention and showcasing its usefulness in practice.
Interactive toolkit features – Find your Faro Way will have as its main feature (compulsory):
A Simulation Game – Find your Faro way – a role play game based on getting into realities and contexts of the existing Faro Initiatives or the imagined, new ones, and developing them by making decisions, through consultation with diverse actors, and estimating how different decisions may differently affect the development of the initiative and the different interest groups linked to it.
Some of the already existing scenarios in which heritage initiatives were developed in line with the Convention principles are the following:

  • preserving heritage sites/objects in the abandoned villages
  • tackling over-tourism and depopulation through enhancing heritage
  • promoting heritage through sustainable tourism
  • intergenerational transfer and application of local knowledge and traditions
  • citizen participation and enhancing the knowledge and use of cultural heritage for economic development
  • providing an answer to natural disasters through valuing heritage
  • reinterpreting uncomfortable heritage (e.g. left from totalitarian regimes) through diverse cultural activities
  • tackling conflict and reconciliation through heritage.
    In the simulation game, there is no right or wrong answer, and everyone can choose to develop the initiative in his/her own manner, based on decision-making and selection among different options, with the possibility to have a different outcome each time playing. The game is envisaged to be played individually, the possibility of interaction between players being an added value.
    The stages that the game will consist of are the following:
    Participants choose their role: representative from civil society, representative from a heritage community, local government officilas, etc.
    They are provided with the context description that includes a specific cultural site or good
    They are faced with a challenge/problem related to this cultural site or good
    Participants have an opportunity to launch an initiative to tackle this challenge
    They are presented with different possibilities and action lines, among which they can choose and make their own decisions for developing the initiative
    Participants have a possibility to consult with diverse actors (local governments, heritage communities, civil society, etc.) and receive advice on the basis of which they can make their decisions
    They have an opportunity to see how different decisions may differently affect the development of the initiative, having in mind that there is no right or wrong answer, and that every user can choose his/her own path and approach to the initiative, which can be different each time playing.

Tendr má dvě fáze: 1) projevení zájmu (EoI), na základě kterého budou vybrány firmy do uzšího výběru + 2) vlastní tendr
Požadavky pro první fázi (EoI):
• A presentation of the applicant describing its experience and services offered
• A list of all owners and executive officers, for legal persons only
• A scanned copy of a valid photographic proof of identity (e.g. passport), for natural persons only (including from owners and executive officers of legal persons)
• A list of at least two similar projects (short summary, link to the website, time for implementation) already developed
• Proposed project team qualifications and backup and replacement plan
• A Concept Note (3-4 pages) describing the proposed solution for developing the Interactive Toolkit

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