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Ještě jeden Interpol: integrovaný Workspace Management Service



Integrated Workspace Management Service

Interpol, Lyon, Francie

Jazyk nabídky: angličtina

Introduction: IWMS as a new service is part of a bigger project of transformation which consists in enabling INTERPOL to manage corporate workflow and process in a single platform:

The objective of this transformation of the organization, while respecting the different workflows/processes which already existed procedures from different department is to:  Transforming the organization (EDRM) into an efficient service center.  Maintain and improve the quality of services provided to users.  Comply with ITIL good practices.  Industrialize, strengthen and improve current processes. For this reason, the new service must provide a common API that allows integration with all Enterprise Service Support Management Services of the market (BMC, Service Now, IBM, etc.).

Functional requirements: The main priorities for INTERPOL are: Space management, including employee service management. Following the priorities, INTERPOL aims at an upgradable and scalable solution. For example the technical part (electricity, building) can be implemented as a change request especially if they are part of different modules.

Deadline 19/9.

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