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ITER needs Business Intelligence Global Support



Call for: Business Intelligence Global Support

Buyer: ITER (

The purpose of this framework contract(s) is to procure:

A-Services category: Covers the business intelligence stack

-Evolution and maintenance of Data Warehouse;

– Evolution and maintenance of Data Integration Service;

– Evolution and maintenance of Data Visualization Service: paginated reports, mobile ;reports, KPIs, dashboards and Power BI reports;

– Evolution and maintenance of Data Management service including Master Data Management Service;

– Evolution and maintenance of Data Analysis Service.

– B-Services category (optional) covers services, Technical Environment and Programming Languages not limited to the list below:

– Plant Lifecycle Management.

– Service Desk.

– IT Security.

– IT Network.

– IT Telecommunications.

– Database administration.

– Systems Administration.

Scope of Work

General presentation

5.1.1 IT Organization

The IO CID division (IO/DG/SID/CID) is part of the Science & Integration Department (SID), which is under the Director General.

The IO CID Division has 3 sections:

 IT Systems and Operation Section (IO/DG/SID/CID/ITSO);

 IT Application and Development Section (IO/DG/SID/CID/ITAD);

 Data Management Section (IO/DG/SID/CID/DAM).


5.1.2 Sizing

The IO CID gives support to 1500 users over more than 20 buildings on the Saint-Paul Lez Durance site and 3000 remote users spread over the ITER project member’s territory. We have a modern datacenter, which is hosting the technical infrastructure mainly composed by:

 300 physical and 400 virtual servers;

 1 petabyte of highly available storage (SAN, mirrored between buildings and DAS);

 6000 ports and full Wi-Fi coverage are provided by the network infrastructure;

 100 meeting rooms fully interconnected for voice and video-conferencing; and

 A complete telephony infrastructure (VIOP, PBX, mobile phones).

The selected Contractor will have to guarantee an adequate and efficient IT service level support to all ITER project users. It will have to be able to face evolutions and improvement requests including but not limited to the:

 Increase in the number of users;

 Increase in the number of interfaces with different libraries/database/servers;

 Customization of all environments in use;

 Response time in user incidents or requests;

 …

5.1.3 Scope

The scope of the A-Service is inside the blue rectangle. The optional B-Service scope covers all other CID areas.

5.2 A-Service

A-Service is mandatory. IO CID expects that the Contractor provides A-Service as requested in the Task Orders.

5.2.1 A-Service Scope

The scope of A-Service that the contractor is requested to provide, covers the business intelligence stack:

 Evolution and maintenance of Data Warehouse;

 Evolution and maintenance of Data Integration Service;

 Evolution and maintenance of Data Visualization Service: paginated reports, mobile;reports, KPIs, dashboards and Power BI reports;

 Evolution and maintenance of Data Management service including Master Data Management Service;

 Evolution and maintenance of Data Analysis Service.

5.2.2 A-Service Activities

 Data modelling;

 Process modelling;

 Designing and implementing data visualizations;

 Designing and implementing data integrations;

 Designing and implementing data analytics;

 Designing business rules;

 Designing and implementing data warehouse;

 Engineering Data Management;

 Writing software code;

 Testing and quality assurance;

 Writing technical documentation;

 Writing user documentation.

IO CID may also request to the Contractor to perform the following activities: Collecting user


 Performing business analysis;

 Project management;

 Team coordination.

5.2.3 A-Service Technical Environment

The current configuration of the server and of the development environment on which the

contractor will have to work is:

 Microsoft SQL Databases (On-Prem and Cloud);

 Microsoft Data Tools (SSIS);

 Microsoft Power BI Server (SSRS);

 Microsoft Analysis Services (SSAS);

 Power BI and MS Reports builder;

 SAP Hana Database;

 MS Visual Studio;

 Microsoft Azure Cloud Services for the categories:

o Analytics,

o Databases;

 Oracle Databases;

 C#;


 Talend Open Studio;

 IIS;

 Atlassian tools: JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket, Bamboo;

 MS office applications: Office 365;

 All modern browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox etc.);

 Git;

 Generic

o Windows Server OS,

o Windows Desktop OS,

o iOS and Android,

o Microsoft Teams.

5.2.4 A-Service Programming Languages, Protocols, and Database



 GraphDB (MSSQL, Neo4j, Apache Gremlin);

 NoSQL (Focus on Mongo / CosmosDB, Cassandra);

 Microsoft SQL (T-SQL);

 C#;

 C++;

 REST / gRPC;

 Python;

 Java;


 JavaScript;



Please note that the programming languages are listed in order of importance.

5.2.5 A-Service Technical Profiles (Skills)

Here is a list of technical profiles covering the services mentioned in chapter 5.2.2:

 Business Intelligence Expert;

 Business Intelligence Developer;

 Business Analyst;

 Functional Specialist;

 Project Manager;

 Sprint Manager.

5.3 B-Service

B-Service is optional. IO CID will ask the Contractor to provide B-Service in case of

emergency, or, when ITER project priorities change.

B-Service Scope, Services, Technical Environment and Programming Languages are not

limited to the list below. Hence, IO CID is giving an overview of what it could request the

Contractor to provide in addition to the A-Service.

5.3.1 B-Services Scope

 Plant Lifecycle Management;

 Service Desk;

 IT Security;

 IT Network;

 IT Telecommunications;

 Database administration;

 Systems Administration.

5.3.2 B-Service Activities

 User interface design;

 Software applications design;

 Testing and quality assurance;

 Building and release process;

 System maintenance;

 Configuration management;

 Change management.

5.3.3 B-Service Technical Environment


 Success Factors;

 Ariba;

 Exalead,

 Enovia/Catia V5;

 3DExperience;

 RabbitMQ;

 SmartPlant;

 Primavera;

 AngularJS and Bootstrap.

5.3.4 B-Service Programming Languages

 Enovia/Catia API;

 Matrix PLM API;

 RabbitMQ API;

 Exalead API;

 Primavera API.

5.3.5 B-Service Technical Profiles (Skills)

Here is a list of technical profiles covering the services mentioned in chapter 5.3.2:

 System Administrator;

 Database Administrator;

 Service Desk Staff;

 Telecommunications Expert;

 Multi-CAD Expert;

 Engineering Data Expert;

 Construction Data Expert;

 Networks Expert;

 Communications Expert.

Estimated Duration

The framework contract will be set up for duration of five years (three firm years plus two times one optional year) with establishing task(s) order(s) according to the needs identified by IO CID.

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