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Investigation Management SW + migrace dat pro Mezinárodní trestní soud v Haagu



Zakázka: Investigation Management Software

Zadavatel: Mezinárodní trestní soud (ICC – International Criminal Court), The Hague, Nizozemsko

RFI deadline 31/5

ICC chce nahradit svůj stávající Investigation Management software zcela novým včetně migrace všech dat.

Solution high level requirements – functional: * The system must be able to securely store information related to Investigations. * The system shall have default entities (i.e. actor, activity, location, etc) and allow creation of custom defined entities. * The system shall have customizable metadata model, allowing administrators to add extra metadata fields to different entities. * The solution shall allow creation of customized forms for user input. * The system shall have workflow engine allowing creation of new and customization of existing workflows. * The solution should be capable of storing and viewing major document formats: PDF, Images and MS Office. * The system shall provide reporting capabilities and customization of reports. * The system must have data import/export capabilities.

Solution high level requirements – non Functional: * The system shall be web-based. * The system shall have granular role-based security over entities, documents and metadata. * The system must expose its functionality through API. * The system shall use a relational database  backend, preferably MS SQL.

Service Requirement: The Court is interested in receipt of service to migrate data and workflows from existing software to the new product. The Software Application and related implementations services have to be provided by established and financially-sound companies whose principal activity is the provision of Investigation Management Software to other entities. Such companies will be asked, in case they would meet a minimum level of technical requirements, to participate in a tender process for the award of a contract for the provision of the Investigation Management Software which will have a fixed duration and a renewal option.

Podoba RFI: * A brief profile of the company including size, location, areas of expertise, years in business, product range proving the capacity to supply and deliver the above Investigation Management software; * Details of the services you can offer and product brochures (including technical information); * Summary of the approach your company would take in completing this project; * Complete contact details of the persons to whom any further correspondence must be sent, including name, position, email address and phone number.

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