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[the one that wins]

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Interpol potřebuje novou Digital Collaborative Platform


Digital Collaborative Platform

Interpol, Lyon, Francie

Jazyk nabídky: angličtina

As main functionalities, we want a Digital Collaborative Platform which provides a portal with the following functions: * Dashboard; * Search Engine; * Social Network; * Workspace Management; * Forum; * Wiki; * Calendar; * Chat; * Document Management; * Notifications.

The Digital Collaborative Platform must support the 4 languages of the Organization (angličtina, francouzština, španělština, arabština)

Project Team: The bidder project team can be located where the bidder wants. But this should not prevent the responsiveness of trade and good cooperation on the project. For any demonstration, the supplier has to come on INTERPOL location in Lyon

Hodnocení: Financial and administrative part 40 % : Functional and technical part 60 %

Deadline 19/9

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