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Interpol má zájem o spolupráci s firmami, které se zabývají biometrickými metodami identifikace



Interpol hledá firmy, které by s ním chtěli dlouhodobě spolupracovat a zvyšovat jeho „biometrické schopnosti“ pro identifikaci člověka. Výzva pokrývá hned několik oblastí:

Rozpoznávání podle tváře: 1) Povinné požadavky:  A solution capable of performing image/image comparisons: searching a probe image against a gallery of portraits of various qualities, sizes and formats, 2) nepovinné: a) The ability to automate search operations so as to require the least possible human intervention, b) The ability to perform image/video, video/image and video/video searches for facial identification, c) Mobile capacity: the capacity to use a device in a remote location for real-time searches, with it either connected to the central database or disconnected (using a local database).

Otisky prstů: 1) Povinné požadavky: A solution capable of performing fingerprint searches (slaps, ten prints, palm prints and latents) against a database of fingerprints. The AFIS shall be able to implement highly automated searches. The AFIS shall implement INTERPOL’s implementation of the ANSI/NIST format, in addition to the ability to process fingerprint in image formats, 2) nepovinné: a) Mobile capacity: the capacity to use a device in a remote location for real-time searches, either with it being connected to the central database or disconnected (using a local database), b)  Border control capacity: allow member countries to connect their border-control equipment to INTERPOL’s AFIS.

DNA: Nepovinné:  1) Enhancing the existing system in terms of capacity and throughput allowing interconnection with national DNA systems (taking into account the difference in standards and technologies existing in various countries), 2) Mobile, operational capacity: equipment allowing to perform analysis in the field including, if possible, interconnection with INTERPOL’s central system for matching, 3) Specific/additional DNA analysis technologies such as Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) and/or Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS)/Massive Parallel Sequencing (MPS) and their applications, 4) Wildlife DNA forensics solutions, 5) Marketing support and promotion of international DNA data exchange.

Ostatní: například rozpoznávání podle oční duhovky nebo hlasu

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