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EU buys „advanced portable emissions measurement system“ for light and medium duty vehicles


Call for tenders for „Advanced portable emissions measurement system (PEMS) for emissions testing on vehicles“ was published in July 2015. By the European Commission – Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Air and Climate Unit based in Ispra (IT)

Here is short description of the contract: By co-chairing the DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs’ working group on ‘real-driving emissions of light-duty vehicles’ (RDE-LDV), the vehicle and emissions laboratory of STU is contributing significantly to the establishment of the RDE-LDV test procedure and is therefore planning to establish a contract for the supply of an advanced portable emissions measurement system (PEMS) for light-duty and medium-duty (minivans) vehicles powered by gasoline, diesel, compressed natural gas (CNG) and equipped with hybrid powertrains.

There were 3 offers, company AVL Italia from Torino has been selected as a winner today. Budget €145.000.

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