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Evropský patentový úřad koupí platformu pro správu identit a přístupů


Zakázka: Poskytnutí, návrh, konfigurace, realizace a provoz platformy pro správu identit a přístupů jako řízené služby

Zadavatel: The European Patent Organisation (EPO), Munich, Germany

Místa realizace: Mnichov a Rijswijk

Popis zakázky:

(a) Purpose of the contract:

The provision, design, configuration, implementation and operation of an Identity and Access Management (IAM) platform as a managed service for the EPO.

The platform consists of 3 components:

  1. Identity Governance and Administration module: This module will constitute the corporate directory for all EPO electronic identities (employees, partners and customers). It will be connected to EPO identity sources and target systems for user provisioning.
  2. Authentication module: This module will act as a centralised authentication engine for the majority of EPO systems. It will support various authentication methods and federation scenarios, acting as an identity provider.
  3. Authentication Token Management module: This module will be employed by EPO users to manage the lifecycle (request, reset, disable, etc.) of their authentication tokens (passwords, smartcards), etc.

The IAM platform shall manage all provisioning and authentication activities for EPO users (approximately: 9 000 employees, 20 000 customers and 6 000 partners). EPO already supports identity federation with external partners, single sign on and multifactor authentication. All these functionalities, now managed by different systems, shall be integrated in the IAM Platform.

Economic and Financial Capacity of the bidder

  1. Confirm that the statutory seat of your company (legal entity) is in a Contracting State to the European Patent Convention, as specified in Point 1 of this Published Notice. Please provide evidence.
  2. Does your company have an annual turnover of approximately 6 000 000 EUR or more. Please provide evidence.
  3. Confirm that your company is not bankrupt or being wound up, has ceased or suspended business activities, is being administered by courts or has entered into arrangements with creditors or analogous situations.
  4. Confirm that the EPO may run a solvency check on your company via an external source (i.e. Dun & Bradstreet).

Technical and Professional Capacity of the bidder:

  1. Provide at least 2 references for comparable projects, in terms of scope and volume, in the area of Identity and Access Management as described under point 3a of this Published Notice. These projects must have been undertaken in the last 3 years.
  2. Confirm and provide evidence that your company has sufficient staff with experience and knowledge in the area of Identity and Access Management to cope with the requested work as described under point 3a of this Published Notice. Please provide 3 CVs of potential candidates you might use for this work.

Bidders might be invited for a bid presentation to take place in Rijswijk in case technical clarifications are needed. The date, place and time will be communicated in due time. Respective costs incurred by the bidders relating to such a presentation will not be reimbursed.


Do 17/11 – odeslání Confidentiality Agreement

20/11 – rozeslání zadávací dokumentace

Deadline pro odeslání nabídek je plánován na 5/1/2018

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