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Evropský parlament kupuje skříně na klíče za půl milionu euro



Tendr: Electronic Key Management Cabinets, Lockers, Software and Licensing

Zadavatel: Evropský parlament, Directorate-General for Security and Safety

Stručný popis: Dodávka, instalace a zprovoznění skříní na klíče, uzamykatelných skříněk a souvisejícího softwaru a licencí na třech pracovištích Evropského parlamentu v Bruselu, Štrasburku a Lucemburku.

Zakázka na 4 roky / budget €500.000

Deadline 17/11

Description of the installations: The system or solution proposed will need to ensure the management of all equipment (key management cabinets and lockers) from a central server for the individual configuration and management of each piece of equipment through Parliament’s IT network. The aim of this configuration and management is to act as an access control system by creating user/key or group/key relationships.

The cabinets must be equipped with polycarbonate or steel doors. They must be provided with a back-up battery providing a minimum of 4 hours of back-up, enabling the cabinet to be used even if the main energy supply or the IT network is down.

The system or solution proposed must be compatible with, and able to be integrated into, Nedap’s  AEOS system to permit:

•             updating of the user database and access identification information;

•             key access control by means of profiles;

•             recording of events and warnings concerning the use of keys and their retrieval centrally;

•             monitoring of the return of keys before leaving a particular area or building;

•             the status of the cabinet to be established: active or inactive connection;

•             users to be identified with badges, PIN codes, biometrics or a combination thereof. The central management software must be capable of configuring whatever identification method is chosen.

N.B.: Parliament will ask for confirmation of the proposed product’s compatibility and capacity for integration with Nedap’s AEOS.

The electronic key cabinets must be available in different sizes:

•             Small cabinets (SMALL): empty cabinets that can be fitted out with modules with a total capacity of 40 positions (+/-10);

•             Medium cabinets (MEDIUM): empty cabinets that can be fitted out with modules with a total capacity of 80 positions (+/-10);

•             Large cabinets (LARGE): empty cabinets that can be fitted out with modules with a total capacity of 120 positions (+/-10);

N.B.: In the case of a modular system, different sizes can be created using several smaller cabinet frames with just one controller.

Electronic lockers:

•             must be able to accommodate modules to store objects sized 50x30x20cm or 30x15x15cm or 10x40x30cm (+/- 5cm);

•             it must be a modular system, in which modules in the sizes given above, can be inserted or the system built with modules capable of accommodating objects of the sizes given above;

•             each block of lockers must have a central controller for locker access.

The cabinet controllers must record all information on:

•             key entry/exit movements ;

•             identification of keys withdrawn;

•             identity of the user(s) having taken or returned the key;

•             duration of key withdrawal from a cabinet;

•             incorrect codes.

The cabinet controllers must, as a minimum, generate warnings in case of:

•             doors left open for too long; time specified by system settings

•             key not returned on time;

•             forced key;

•             forbidden key;

•             forced door;

•             incorrect code;

•             door opened without use of key;

•             power cut.

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