Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Evropská banka pro obnovu a rozvoj hledá koordinátora pro své konference

Evropská banka pro obnovu a rozvoj (EBRD, Londýn) hledá agenturu pro koordinaci svých konferenčních aktivit

Stručný popis: The EBRD wishes to engage a consultant with previous project experience in event management and international conference logistics. The objective of the Consultant is to organise the outreach event presenting and promoting the results of the Regional Assessment. It is currently envisaged that the event will be organised in the country that would score highest in its public procurement reforms.

The Consultant’s services will include, inter alia: 1) providing logistical support and all payments for the outreach event promoting the results of the Regional Assessment for up to 80 international participants from 36 countries where the EBRD operates, including: a. booking participants’ and key speakers’ flights; b. booking the venue for the outreach event, as approved by the Bank; c. booking participants’ and key speakers’ accommodation at the venue for the outreach event; d. assisting with visa applications for all participants and key speakers; e. registering participants for the outreach event and assisting with obtaining the participants’ signatures on forms releasing the EBRD from any liability in connection with their attendance at the outreach event; f. arranging local transport, including airport transfers, for participants and key speakers; g. booking English, Russian and Arabic interpreters for the outreach event; 2) organising the set-up of the conference venue (screens, microphones, computers, projectors, two conference reception staff) and hard-copy printing and online publication of all conference materials.

Consultant Profile: Corporate services are required. The Consultant will be a firm or a group of firms with previous project experience related to the following: 1. event management experience related to international events for government/public sector/international organisations; 2. project experience in planning and implementing an international conference for minimum of 100 participants travelling internationally to participate in the event; 3. capacity to offer global service, as the event will be located in one of the EBRD countries of operations; 4. excellent spoken and written English and Russian. Fluency in Arabic would be an advantage.

The Consultant’s expert team is expected to include key experts as follows: (a) Event Manager with preferably more than five years of relevant professional experience; (b) Travel Booking Agent, with preferably more than three years of professional experience in arranging global group travel and an appropriate travel and accommodation booking system , (c) Conference assistance staff speaking English and Russian. Fluency in Arabic would be an advantage.

Bude uzavřen kontrakt na 12 měsíců, od března 2017. Budget €110.000.

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