Tendr: Ergonomic services
Zadavatel: The European Patent Organisation (EPO), Munich, Germany
Kontrakt na 2 roky až 5 let
Rozdělení na (na sobě nezávislé, samostatné) části:
Lot 1: Ergonomic Services in Munich
Lot 2: Ergonomic Services in The Hague
Purpose of the contract: In the last 7 years ergonomics in the Office were supported by two external part-time ergonomist, one in The Hague, one in Munich. Besides giving professional advice to all internal stakeholders, they were also coordinating ergonomically trained internal staff (ErgoWucs) that have the task to advise their colleagues. The EPO is now seeking an ergonomics service that continues supporting management in maintaining and improving a high standard of ergonomics and advises and supports staff in making the best use of it. Muscular-skeletal disorders formed the largest diagnose group in staff seen by the occupational health in 2017. The service will be associated with the Health & Safety department, but has to actively cooperate with all relevant internal stakeholders such as the Patent Granting Process unit and the Corporate Services (Facility Management, IT).
Deadline pro doručení žádosti o účast: 25/6 – 12:00
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