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E-Learningové moduly pro Mezinárodní agenturu pro atomovou energii z Vídně



International Atomic Enercy Agency se sídlem ve Vídni vyhlašuje tendr na Development, delivery, maintenance and support of E-Learning Modules

Deadline 7. října

Tady jsou hlavní funkční a technické požadavky, zájemcům pošlu na vyžádání ( nebo +32-473-116804) víc.

The E-Learning modules shall include, as a minimum, the following technical features and functions:

(a) The E-Learning modules shall be developed in compliance with standards set forth by the ADL such as the SCORM in version SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 or later as defined by the IAEA for each project.

(b) The content shall be tested on the respective IAEA LMS and the content shall work effectively on the platform it is deployed on AIPS LMS or CLP4NET.

(c) Each E-Learning module shall be designed to be delivered in, at least, one or all of the following ways:

o As a cross-platform WBT module that can be hosted on the Moodle LMS (including Moodle 3.1 LTS) and/or ORACLE LMS;

o As a stand-alone, self-contained CBT module distributed on offline media such as DVDs, and running on a local computer under Windows 7, Windows 10 and later or Mac OS X 10.7 and later operational system and all respective browsers;

o The possibility to run and use the E-learning modules for mobile devices shall be provided;

o The source file/source code shall also be part of the deliverables.

(d) Ability to track progress through the modules and to restart at the same location, if training was halted or not fully completed. It shall be apparent to the User which sub-modules or lessons he or she has already visited and which modules he or she has successfully completed.

(e) The E-Learning modules shall provide start, stop, pause functions and cue points to control animations and videos.

(f) Volume controls shall be managed with global volume settings.

(g) A glossary of important terminology (terms provided by the IAEA) shall be accessible from the menu and via context sensitive links directly from the text.

(h) As an option and if requested by the IAEA, the E-Learning modules shall provide full text search capabilities through all the modules as well as metadata based search (for graphics, audio, video, etc.).

(i) The E-Learning modules shall include tutoring options where appropriate.

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