Brussels connection

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Drapes and blinds. Lot of drapes and blinds. For Brussels


Council of the European Union is running the call for tender for “supply and installation of various drapes, curtains and blinds inside the different buildings occupied by the Council of the European Union”. Initially, the Council´s Secretariat will enter into a 2-year contract, which may be renewed for 2 periods of 1 year. The supplies will be for 4 buildings for office use and the Council’s crèche, all located in Brussels, as well as a warehouse in Overijse. Approximately 80 % of the supplies will be for the Justus Lipsius Building. The types of supplies will be: 1) mainly white drapes to cover approximately 11 500 m2 of windows, 2) venetian blinds for 400 m2 of windows, roller blinds for 200 m2 of windows, slat blinds for 100 m2 of windows or others, 3) to a lesser extent, special hangings (infirmary, projection room) for a surface area of approximately 300 m2. Council will sign a four-year framework agreement with a single operator. Time limit for receipt of tenders: 17/6.

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