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Digital Intelligence and SEO optimization for UNICEF, New York



Tender: Provision of the Digital Intelligence and Search Engine Optimization Services

Contractor: UNICEF, New York

Deadline: March 19

Purpose: The purpose of this Request for Proposal for Services (RFPS) is to seek proposals from qualified contractors and to establish a Long-Term Arrangement for Services with several qualified companies for the provision of Digital Intelligence, Analytics and SEO consulting across UNICEF digital ecosystem. Activities vary from daily requests for Google Analytics set up, to projects like establishing dashboards for advocacy campaigns monitoring. To accomplish these objectives, UNICEF must rely on robust digital intelligence team with diverse sets of capabilities and expertise in multiple technical areas to assist in taking their digital marketing to the next level. 

Scope of work: UNICEF is one of the best recognized and most respected brands in the world. UNICEF’s brand is synonymous of children’s rights and UNICEF focusses its work on children’s ability to survive and thrive. UNICEF must therefore ensure that its message and ad placement work to build its brand equity in any market it advertises in.

UNICEF’s key objectives with this RFPS is to enable UNICEF globally to access a wide variety of digital intelligence and search engine optimization Services (SEO) services and expertise that can accelerate the growth and performance of our website and all communication campaigns. It is anticipated that most of the work will be performed on the ecosystem, including or related microsites such as, and others under UNICEF domain.

The agility to quickly implement solutions and manage tasks will be integral to our success. The selected contractors shall proactively provide recommendations, technical expertise and advice on all aspects mentioned in this document.

Background: UNICEF operates on the ground in one hundred and ninety (190) countries and territories to help children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence. The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments. 

To ensure we can help as many children as possible UNICEF launched a project aiming at transforming its external digital communications and engagement by building tools and expertise for UNICEF global staff to leverage and amplify our global voice. The technology used for the new was opensource Drupal CMS and Acquia hosting platform. As part of the digital transformation project the new CMS was supplemented with a digital intelligence infrastructure through Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Google Tag Manager. 

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