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Digital Asset Management pro významnou UN agenturu: zn. projekt Multimedia Library



Významná agentura OSN vyhlašuje tendr na “digital asset management (DAM) solution for the management of, and access to, multimedia-related content of the Organization, including digital multimedia assets (film, audio, and images), their associated documents (rights contracts) and metadata. This project is referred to as the Multimedia Library:

Deadline 10/7

The Contractor is expected to deliver the project in two Lots: Lot 1 and Lot 2. A single Contractor is expected to deliver both Lots 1 and 2. The Lots include fixed-price turnkey supply of the system and the associated services for their implementation. Proposals that only offer one or the other Lot will not be considered. The Contractor is asked to provide and implement a solution, according to requirements as expressed in ANNEX VI – Functional Requirements Framework. The system(s) can be installed at Agency’s premises or provided as “Software as a Service” (SaaS).

The expected services, described hereunder, are the following:
• Project management;
• Specification and validation of the technical architecture;
• Provision of software, technical and functional documentation and user licenses;
• Installation, configuration, setting and implementation to full working order;
• Proposition of a migration strategy and produce the required migration scripts or tools
• Knowledge transfer and staff training (administrators and key users);
• Participation in audit operations;
• Installation in the final operating environment, transfer of existing data from the current system into the new system and commissioning of the new system;
• Initial launch assistance;
• Warranty, technical support and a 4-year maintenance plan.

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