Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

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Design, layout a tisk pro OSN. Další tendr se blíží

Další z agentur OSN vyhlásí brzy tendr na grafický design, layout dokumentů a jejich tisk. Bude to práce na 5 let, budget odhaduji na něco kolem €800 tisíc. Zájemci musí projevit zájem před 25/5.

Vítěz tendru bude poskytovat tyto slyžby:

Digital communications: design, development and/or enhancement of websites, microsites and mobile applications, design of digital communications and creative materials (graphics, videos, banner, visuals, animations, interactive infographics, social media postcards, etc.)

Pre-press design: design and development of illustrations, infographics, charts and logos for books, brochures, posters, calendars and other visibility materials

Provision of pre-press files for print and web versions of the designed materials for publications and other communication products (such as reports, brochures, books, handbooks, leaflets, posters, certificates, folders, roll up banners, etc.)

Printing and production services for publications, books, brochures, annual reports, leaflets, flyers, posters, calendars, certificates, invitations, folders, photos, infographics, banners, roll-up banners, back drops, promotional items, packaging containers, stationary, displays or any other event related items.

Bidders will be required to fulfil the following requirements, which include, but not limited to the following:

1. Bidders must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in the field of printing and design services;

2. Bidders must have experience in supplying similar design and printing services to a minimum of 3 organizations/companies;

3. Bidders must be able to assign a dedicated team to the projects under the contract, which would include a qualified Art Director and a qualified Graphic Designer;

4. Bidders must be able to work with information products in the 6 official languages of the United Nations (French, English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic), as well as with other languages if required.

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