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Database and visualization applications for On-site inspections


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Tender: Development of a database and visualization applications for OSI equipment storage, maintenance and deployment purposes

Contracting Authority: CTBTO (The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban-Treaty Organization), Vienna

Deadline 22/11

To manage OSI (On-site inspection) equipment configurations and status, the Commission is seeking a Contractor to:  design and subsequently develop an optimal data structure model for equipment classed as either inspection or support equipment;  design and subsequently develop interfaces for inputting and visualising equipment related information and reports.

General principles: Applications shall be role based, allowing each user to interact with specified parts of applications depending on their access level and role. The user interface shall be fundamentally the same for all roles, but not all of the roles will have access to all functionalities. The system should be designed to support instantaneous use by multiple users without encountering read/write conflicts.

The Contractor shall ensure that the applications will:  Be robust, intuitive and user friendly;  Guide the user through workflows;  Where possible, call directly to libraries and functionalities available in Commission owned software or to Open Source libraries;  Track and log user interaction and system changes, processing history with version control enabled;  Adopt the same style as existing Commission browser-based applications.

Applications shall be accessible by using any standard browser, including the following:  Internet Explorer (version 11+)  Mozilla Firefox (current versions)  Google Chrome (current version)

 When developing the Contractor shall ensure:  Close cooperation between the Commission and the Contractor is established;  Allow for changing requirements at all stages of development;   A communication channel is guaranteed;    Agile software development framework is employed;  The Commission JIRA system is used to manage backlog items and sprints;  Applications are expandable, to enable further tools to be added at a later date as necessary;  In-person support is provided during installation and during testing.

 The Contractor shall demonstrate a proven track record in the:  Management of software development projects of a similar scope and complexity for large international organizations;  Management of software development projects using Scrum methodology;  Development of asset and configuration management systems, including those for complex scientific and technical equipment;  Use of the English language, both written and oral, to communicate with international clients. The Contractor shall identify key staff, including programmers, which will be assigned to the project.

Programming staff  – The programming ‘team’ shall not exceed four in number and collectively shall satisfy the following requirements:  Proven experience* of web technologies, including HTML, CSS templating technologies such as Bootstrap;  Proven experience* of web scripting languages and related libraries including: JavaScript, Typescript, Leaflet, Angular;  Proven experience* of server/backend technologies including Java, JHipster, RESTful APIs;  Proven experience* integrating Alfresco document management system;  Proven experience* of the Android framework;  Proven experience* of experience working with PostgreSQL databases including the PostGIS extension;  Proven experience* working with mobile printers and their operation from Android devices;  Proven experience* of experience working with Docker.

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