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Další zpráva, ze které je jasné, že “pražské” Galileo je jen prázdná skořápka


Galileo and the space industry in general presents a huge opportunity for Europe, not just for companies delivering the space infrastructures but even more for downstream industry, the people who develop innovative applications or services. The programme is designed to make satellite navigation in Europe more reliable and thus more attractive for use by commercial applications, which will help companies develop more advanced products. To help companies access this data, today Antonio Tajani, European Commission Vice-President, responsible for enterprise and industry policy, and Ana Pastor, Spanish Minister of Transport, inaugurated the new Loyola de Palacio Global Navigation Satellite System Service Centre. The centre will support the dissemination of information to companies seeking to use satellite sourced data for products and services based in a wide range of different sectors, such as agriculture, transport and mapping.

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