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Další pěkná zakázka na grafický design. Tentokrát pro Vídeň


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Služby grafického designu a layoutu

Zadavatel: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) – Vídeň (práce pro pobočku na Maltě)

Budget nespecifikován

S vítězem bude uzavřen kontrakt na 36 měsíců

Deadline: 17.1.2020 – 16:00

Pozn.: ICMPD je mezinárodní organizace financována svými členy, Evropskou komisí a OSN

Dodavatel musí mít:

* the average annual turnover of the tenderer must exceed the annualised maximum budget of the contract (který ale nebudou zveřejňovat)

* the tenderer has delivered supplies under at least 10 contracts in similar projects.

Klíčoví členové týmu:

* počet: 2

* kvality:  -Strong theoretical and practical background in graphic design, including the use of design software such as Adobe Design Premium, In-Design, CorelDraw, web design tools such as Dreamweaver and Flash, (or similar).  .   -Proven experience of at least 5 years graphic production from start to published/printed product with knowledge of printing processes (offset and digital) and colour management.  -Good understanding of new and evolving technologies and digital platforms.  -Knowledge of standard software packages, including MS Office– MS Access–MS Visio – Adobe Acrobat;    -Working experience in migration and/or in the Mediterranean region is a distinct asset.  

Požadované služby:

The successful service provider will predominantly provide technical support to communication activities and processes in designing project publications and contributing to the development and improvement of the design, branding and layout of materials produced by projects implemented from the ICMPD RCO in Malta. 

The service provider will be in charge of developing a corporate identity and declining it into the different projects as well as ensuring that products and outputs duly follow ICMPD and EU visibility requirements and guidelines, thereby ultimately contributing to the overall branding process and enhancing implementation impact. 

More specifically, the contracted service provider will be in charge of: 

 -Developing a corporate and visual identity and applying it to the different projects.

 -Applying or further development of existing visual identities for projects in relevant communications materials;

 -Designing, editing and formatting publications, as well as other printed and web-based communication materials taking into account ICMPD branding policy and guidelines as well as EU branding requirements, as required;

 -Designing and creating illustrations, maps, tables, charts and other graphic elements for communication and promotional materials;

 -Editing and designing information and communication materials (banners, posters, booklets, leaflets, books, bulletins, flyers, cards);

 – Delivering creative graphic and technical solutions for use of social media (twitter, facebook, Instagram, etc.);

 -Determining size and arrangement of illustrative materials and copy, and customising style, size or type;

 -Developing infographics using provided data to present core messages and simplifying information presentation through visual representations;

 -Advising ICMPD RCO on best/suitable design options (for a given product), and submitting drafts for consideration;

 -Incorporating comments and changes from ICMPD RCO;

 -Liaising closely with Communication Officer(s) to implement suggestions and comments regarding branding regulation and final layouts;

 -Ensuring successful delivery of final output(s) for each communication product in a web-ready and/or print-ready version;

 -Liaising with other external suppliers (printing facilities, etc), where necessary;

 -Mobilising and applying ICMPD’s and donor requirements/policies in terms of visual identity.

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