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Další miliony na podporu svobody médií a investigativní žurnalistiky v EU



Program: Media freedom and investigative journalism

Evropská komise – DG CONNECT

Celkem k dispozici: €3.900.000 (EU zaplatí až 90% uznatelnách nákladů)

Deadline 20. ledna 2021

Podporu lze získat ve třech kategoriích:

1) EU-wide rapid response mechanism for violations of press and media freedom is meant to mitigate the consequences of the deterioration of press and media freedom in certain Member States and Candidate Countries. It will ensure a systematic monitoring of violations of press and media freedom, make such violations visible and provide legal and practical support to journalists under threat. For: consortium of organisations working together to uphold media freedom and safety of journalists

Total budget: 1.380.119 €

2) Cross-border investigative journalism fund: It is a challenge to sustain quality journalism and especially (resource-intensive) investigative journalism in the current fast-evolving media landscape. The preparatory action will contribute to ensuring such sustainability. The action will fund grants supporting journalistic investigations involving journalists from at least two Member States, thereby highlighting issues of common interest to citizen of several Member States and strengthening the European media sphere. For: this action is expected to fund activities of one consortium of organisations.

Total budget: 1.500.000 €

3) Supporting investigative journalism and media freedom in the EU: Activities to be conducted under this project will be geared at providing support to independent, collaborative journalism in the EU Member States and at promoting media freedom and media diversity across the EU. It will also help raising awareness on the importance of media freedom and quality and ethical journalism for democracy. The project should facilitate building a community of media professionals and organisations that are active in the field. For: this project is expected to fund activities of one consortium of organisations.

Total budget: 1.000.000 €

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