Brussels connection

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Corporate branded merchandise for Budapest-based EU agency

Production and supply of custom-made and branded promotional materials
Budget: €400.000
Buyer: European Union Agency For Law Enforcement Training
Contract for: 48 months
Deadline: 12/09/2024
Description: Production, supply and distribution of branded promotional materials Based on the Single Programming Document 2024-2026, under Objective 4.3.4 CEPOL needs to implement the updated communications sub-strategy, including the following output: corporate branded merchandise distributed to the appropriate recipients. CEPOL organises around 100 onsite courses, seminars, conferences and events per year on key topics relevant to law enforcement officials, as well as carrying out capacity building projects in third countries. During its activities, CEPOL distributes branded promotional items for training and meeting participants and to other stakeholders and counterparts depending on the occasion.

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