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Content migration automation to Sharepoint Online or locally hosted Sharepoint 2016 for UN



Tender: Content migration automation tool and services for IBM Unite Connects & Microsoft Sharepoint

Contracting Authority: UN Procurement Division, NY

EOI deadline: Nov 16

The Organization has recently moved its email platform from Lotus Notes to Office365. OICT is looking to decommission legacy collaborative systems, such as IBM Connections or IBM FileNet and Sharepoint 2007/2010/2013, and deliver a more integrated and holistic set of tools using the O365 platform. One of the substantial technical challenges will be the mapping and migration of content and accounts from one platform to the other. To achieve this migration a web-based platform with an intuitive user interface is required that enables administrators to safely and effectiviely migrate IBM Connections and/or SharePoint 2007/2010/2013/ content to Sharepoint Online (Office365) or locally hosted Sharepoint 2016.

The gathered information will be used to determine the feasibility, scope, timeframe and resources required by the UN to undertake such a content migration and how the use of commercial tools and services could be used to expedite this activity.

The high-level requirements which must be demonstated in the response to this RFI are as follows:

Ease of use – Intuitive UI that supports identification of content for migration from legacy IBM Connections, IBM FileNet repositories or older versions of Sharepoint to SharePoint Online. The ability to script the migration of user accounts and their associated content is also highly desireable.

Links Resolution – Automatically converts links within source documents/pages to links to SharePoint Online

Filtering – Content classification allows filtering/archiving of content which is no longer required

Content re-structuring – Supports mapping of source content structure to SharePoint Online Information Architecture

Content Analysis – Detailed XLS (spreadsheet) reports on pre-migration analysis

Security – migration of user and document permissions and other IBM Connections elements that must be mapped in order to migrate successfully into SharePoint online.

Migration of content- Wikis, Blogs, Files, Libraries, Communities, Activites, Bookmarks, Forums and Profiles into pre-created Sharepoint sites and/or create sites automatically

Comparision – of legacy IBM connections content with SharePoint content. Map contents, metadata and permissions to associated SharePoint artifacts.

Identification – of duplicate, near duplicate, redundant, obsolete and irrelevant data by examining file content and metadata

Bulk Migration – Select all required content at one go and perform bulk migration

Metadata Migration – Transfer the attributes of every file, folder, email, contact and other items

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