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Chtete pro OSN vyvinout publikační modul pro její “Informační systém o smlouvách” založený na InDesignu? Hlašte se rychle…


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Request for Information: Design and Development of a publishing module based on Adobe InDesign, integrated with the Treaty Information and Publication System

Zadavatel: UN Procurement Division

Deadline: 18/5 pro odpověď na RFI

Specific requirements: The publications are composed using metadata and associated Word, TIF and PDF files (the logic of the generation process is described in the attached documents… details about the object model can also be found in the attached documents).

The proposed solution should leverage InDesign Server SDKs to retrieve metadata and image files from the SharePoint backend through APIs and construct the documents to be introduced into the editorial workflow. All the layout and typesetting requirements, described in detail on the attached documents, should be fulfilled by the document construction scripts.

Client-side InDesign Plugins SDK should be used for integrating the editorial workflow with SharePoint, by implementing versioned changes/revisions and atomic updates to the publication files.

Conversion of the final versions of the publication documents into PDF should be done on the server and integrated into the editorial workflow.

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