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Case management a IT poradenství pro Brusel, 12 milionů euro za 10 let



Zakázka: Rámcová smlouva na case management a související poradenské služby v oblasti IT pro Evropskou komisi (Acquisition of a case management framework and related IT consultancy services for the European Commission)

Zadavatel:  Evropská komise, Directorate-General for Competition, Brusel

Stručný popis: The European Commission’s next-generation solution for case management should be built based on a case management framework to be acquired via public procurement. Case management frameworks are software meant to be configured, extended, integrated and interoperable with other assets by buyers, enabling the speedy delivery of customised and flexible solutions. Case management frameworks implement ‘out of the box’ case management entities and provide architectural patterns and capabilities relevant for the implementation of a case management solution. The procurement will provide as well for the acquisition of specialised IT consultancy services to support the European Commission in the installation, configuration, integration, maintenance and upgrade of the case management framework when necessary.

Objem této rámcové smlouvy zahrnující licence a služby se odhaduje na €12.500.000 po maximální dobu trvání 10 let.

Zakázka bude vyhlášena pravděpodobně na konci února

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