Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Brand monitoring pro agenturu OSN z Říma

Tendr: Brand Monitoring Services

Zadavatel: UN – World Food Programme, Řím – Itálie

WFP is looking for a tool to unify our real-time brand monitoring needs. We are in the process of upgrading the monitoring and evaluation system and aligning to Association for Monitoring and Evaluation principles and framework. WFP requires a tool to standardize metrics and monitoring across locations and channels and allow us to have a global view of our brand, but at the same time have some flexibility for local teams across countries and languages adapt to changing circumstances autonomously. Most importantly is the need to add services to track issues and be agile in our reputation monitoring and crisis response. To this end, WFP will issue a tender process for the following services:

a)            Online monitoring across channels (media and social media) and issues tracking 

b)            Social media monitoring and analysis

c)            Influencer identification and monitoring

d)            Analysis and Reporting

e)            Distribution to media outlets

Deadline pro projevení zájmu: 15/10 16:00 CET

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