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Asynchronous Video-Screening Tool pro agenturu OSN z Vídně



Tendr: Asynchronous Video-Screening Tool

Zadavatel: The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Contract Purchase Agreement (CPA) for a duration of 3 years with option to extend up to 5 years for Procurement of Asychronous Video Screening

Candidate Experience – The System shall: 4.1.1. Enable candidates to log in, read and record answers to questions without having to be online at the same time as the IAEA interviewer; and 4.1.2. Prevent candidates from stopping, pausing or restarting once they begin an interview; The Contractor shall: 4.1.3. Contact (call or send an electronic survey to) candidates who have completed an asynchronous interview with the IAEA to collect customer feedback on the experience; and 4.3.4. Provide 24/7 support to candidates using the product and provide advice on how to acquire access to a webcam.

Reviewer Experience – The System shall: 4.2.1. Enable the IAEA to set multiple questions (a minimum of 4); 4.2.2. Limit candidates to respond to one question at a time; 4.2.3. Provide a minimum of 15 minutes recording time for each interview; 4.2.4. Have variable read and answer times for each set question; 4.2.5. Be encrypted to protect both the IAEA’s and the IAEA’s candidates’ information; and 4.2.6. Allow multiple people (a minimum of 5 – hiring managers, panel members and human resources involved in the recruitment process to review candidate interviews.

General Information Technology Requirements – The System shall be able to function in countries that do not have a high- speed, high broadband internet infrastructure.

Employer Branding – The System shall: 4.4.1. Allow the IAEA to upload proprietary introductory welcome videos for candidates; and 4.4.2. Alow the integration the IAEA’s employer brand into the screenshots that a candidate views when he or she logsi nto the system.

System IT Requirements – The Contractor shall meet the System IT requirements as listed below: 5.1. Ensure that all environments are hosted in a country that recognizes the IAEA’s Privileges and Immunities, as listed in Annex 1; 5.2. An Identity Provider or equivalent shall be used in conjunction with the IAEA ADFS/SAML authentication; 5.3. Provide and allow for application vulnerability scans by the IT Division of the IAEA; 5.4. Ensure that disposal of equipment only occurs when deletion of data on the equipment has been confirmed; 5.5. Set all of the System’s instances to be timed in UTC; 5.6. Comply to ITIL for service management, ISO 27001 (or other equivalent standard) for Security Management and adherence to the Cloud Security Alliance guidance; 5.7. Ensure System availability of 99.99%; 5.8. Provide adequate gateway techniques to control access (e.g. firewall, reverse proxy, or equivalent); The System shall be able to rout the traffic from internal traffic through proxy (we do not accept a direct connection from the internal machines without going through proxy) 5.9 The System shall not expect direct connection (from the clients) to the host server. The connection shall go through the organization’s Web Proxy and firewall using TCP port 443 (SSL) without opening a pool of UDP ports. 5.10. Provide a forward-looking schedule on a yearly basis and for the duration of the Agreement of new releases and expected features of their SaaS; 5.11 Access to the tenant shall be only available to the solution provider admins when needed and an access log shall be provided to IAEA on a quarterly basis for audit purposes 5.12. Ensure DDOS protection; 5.13. Relevant log files shall be transferred to the IAEA in near-real time (using Arsight Integration or equivalent); 5.14. If requested by the IAEA, provide on demand assistance and cooperation for audit and forensic investigations by MTIT; 5.15. Provide an email address for support service requests from the IAEA and provide a response to IAEA requests within one working day or less; 5.16. Provide a toll-free number or web online helpdesk that provides a response to queries within half a working day or less; and 5.17. In the event of technical incidents, system changes, upgrades and other issues, the Contractor will comply to the mutual agreement on the process and procedures to be adhered to; and 5.18 In case of a disaster, RPO should be 24 hours and RTO 4 hours.

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