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Archiving Management Solution for UNICEF



Call for: Archiving Management Solution

Contracting Authority: UNICEF

Description: UNICEF is seeking to procure an ISAD (G) complaint Archives Management Systems (the “AMS Solution”) deployed in an ISO 27001 certified managed cloud solution that is regularly audited delivering a compliant and cost effective storage. We wish to procure the implementation, post implementation maintenance and support services for this system. UNICEF requires, as a turn-key solution a single, integrated and secure off-the shelf AMS solution to be delivered, fully designed, configured/customized (where necessary), installed and tested and fulfilling all the requirements defined in this document. Thus, the proposed AMS solution shall in one contract include the software tool/solution [(either following a traditional software on premise approach or in its Software as a service (saas version)] and the implementation services, including post implementation support and maintenance for the envisioned duration of the resulting contract/agreement.

Deadline for expression of interests: 23/11

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