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Agentura OSN z Vídně potřebuje software pro odhalování plagiátů



Tendr: Software pro odhalování plagiátů pro OSN

Zadavatel: UN – International Atomic Energy Agency, Vídeň

The IAEA Publishing Section provides publishing services for the IAEA. Over 90 monographs are published each year but we scan between 150 – 250 items a year varying in length from 10 – 500 manuscript pages. As per publishing best practice, all content is scanned for possible overlapping text or plagiarism and the plagiarism scanning software would be one of the tools used to detect and correct any overlapping text previously published to avoid copyright infringement and ensure correct citation.

Requirements – The Contractor shall carry out the activities listed here below and provide the deliverables specified:

2.1. a plagiarism scanning software to facilitate a comparison of text contained within manuscripts produced for publication with content already published in scientific and technical forums including, but not limited to, books, journals, websites, blogs and online repositories.

2.2. There should be an easy and efficient process for uploading multiple documents for scanning, an ability to process the scans in the background and an option to export the final scanned documents in WORD and PDF format is required.

2.3. The manuscript lengths will vary from 5 to 500 A4 equivalent pages so the software shall be able to process large documents minimising the need to split the master document into multiple smaller documents.

2.4. The software should ideally run as a web based services with access restricted to the Admin role and assigned users through a username and password.

2.5. include the option to enable multiple users to use the software, managed by a central administration point through a username and password function. It is anticipated that no more than 15 users would require access, with only 5 users requiring concurrent access;

2.6. have the facility to either securely store scanned documents or to enable easy storage offline through an option to export the comparison report as a WORD and a PDF file;

2.7. produce a clearly annotated report, highlighting possible plagiarized text in a clear and easy to identify manner, highlighting possible reference sources with easy navigation.

2.8. be compatible with Windows 10 and MS Edge and Chrome browsers as a minimum; and

2.9. ideally be web based not locally installed.

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