Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Agentura OSN z Haagu nakoupí stovky notebooků a stolních počítačů, deadline už brzy



Tendr: Provision of Laptops and Desktops

Zadavatel: OPCW – Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (UN), The Hague, The Netherlands

Deadline 30/10 – 16:00 CET

During the validity of the Framework Agreement, orders will be raised on an “as required” basis for varying quantities. Estimated quantity for the duration of the Agreement (3 years):

1 Notebook computers “business line”: Dell Latitude, HPEliteBook, Lenovo ThinkPad or equivalent, 13-14” 100-400pcs

2 Notebook computer “business line”: Dell Latitude, HPEliteBook, Lenovo ThinkPad or equivalent, 15-16” 50-300pcs

3 Small Form Factor Desktop Computers, “business line”: DellOptiPlex, HP EliteDesk, Lenovo ThinkCentre 100-400 pcs

4 Monitors 24” 20-100: HP EliteDisplay, Dell UltraSharp orequivalent 50-400pcs

5 Monitors 27” 10-50: HP EliteDisplay, Dell UltraSharp orequivalent 50-200 pcs

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