Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Bruselská “pobočka” UNHCR hledá digitální agentura, která ji zvýší počet dárců


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Tendr: Digital Media Services for UNHCR Private Sector Partnerships in Belgium

Zadavatel: UNHCR (UN High Commissiioner for Refugees), Ženeva

Jazyk: angličtina nebo francoužština

Deadline 8. ledna 2010

UNHCR hledá digitální agenturu na rozvoj a řízení programů digitální akvizice dárců. With a specific focus on donor acquisition as well as quality leads, in order to:

• Increase donations, both one-off and regular;

• Improve donor loyalty and long-time value

• Generate leads via gamification, app, petition or any other innovative tool;

 The agency/ (ies) goal is to develop, implement, execute, test and optimize the most effective strategy/ (ies), in order to achieve the greatest possible impact for a given fundraising budget. PSP Belgium expects from the company to maximize ROI.

The selected vendor is required to manage and implement digital donor acquisition activities to help achieve the following objectives:

• phase 1: Feb 2020 – Dec 2020: To generate 1,000 new one-off donors and 150 new monthly donors +7,000 leads; 

• phase 2: Jan 2021 – Dec 2021: To generate 2,500 new one-off donors and 350 new monthly donors +15,000 leads;

• phase 3: Jan 2022 -Dec 2022: To generate 5,000 new one-off donors and 800 new monthly donors +35,000 leads;

• Meet annual digital budget targets and required ROI criteria as specified in annual Statements of Work (SOW).

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