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Archives Management & Digital Preservation Systems and User access Interface for the UN Library


Tender: Archives Management System, Digital Preservation System and User access Interface
Contracting Authority: UN Library, Geneva
Deadline: 14/10
DESCRIPTION OF REQUIREMENTS The Institutional Memory Section of the UN Library at Geneva is looking for a comprehensive, robust and integrated solution to ensure the correct management, long-term preservation of and access to the UNOG archives material. To achieve this objective, the solution should include: 1. An Archives management system (“AMS”) that will serve for the management and description of the UNOG archives and the historical archives of the League of Nations, both in paper and digital copies. 2. A Digital Preservation System (“DPS”) to provide long-term preservation to the digital copies of the League of Nations archives (15 million pages). 3. A User access Interface (“UI”) to provide public access to the data. The AMS must provide integrated support for all activities related to the management of archives, including: accessioning; metadata creation and management, according to international and UN standards; collection management; arrangement; description; publication of finding aids and declassification. The AMS must be compliant with a range of common international archival standards, including: ISAD(G), ISAAR(CPF), EAD, MODS, METS and Dublin Core. The DPS must cover the full preservation cycle for the Archives collection, from ingest to access, within the framework of the OAIS model (ISO 14721). The system must support existing, non-proprietary standards used by the archival and digital preservation community, including: • Bagit for Submission Information Packages; PD/EOI/MISSION v2018-01 United Nations Nations Unies United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) Switzerland REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) • OAI-PMH for metadata exchange; • METS as metadata container; • Dublin Core and MODs for descriptive metadata; and • PREMIS for preservation metadata. The user access interface should present, in a user-friendly way, the whole digital collection allowing users to search, browse and access or download the documents. The solution can consist of one or multiple systems that work together in a fully integrated way. The successful contractor shall be responsible for implementation, configuration and integration of systems; provision of hardware and storage (or specifications and requirements); training; post-implementation maintenance and support services. The contract term is anticipated to be for a period of 3 (three) years with possibility of two consecutive oneyear extensions (3+1+1), for a total contract period of five (5) years.

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