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UX Design for UN Investor Map dynamic platform



UX Design for Investor Map Database

UNDP – United Nations Development Programme

Deadline: 27/2 (EOI deadline 10/2)

Purpose of Consultancy: The overall purpose of this assignment is to identify how best to showcase the Investor Map content on a digital dynamic platform by using customer centric design approach. In other words, the development process should include “customer experience design” and should test various clickpaths with the investment community ensure that they see and can access immediate value in the Investor Map database. The consultant firm is expected to understand customer behavioral patterns and anticipate and personalize future customer needs


* Minimum 15 years of relevant experience.

* Minimum 2 contracts of similar value, nature and complexity implemented over the last 15 years. Experience or knowledge in human-centered design/ user-centered design.

* Minimum average annual revenue of USD 1,000,000 for the last 3 years.

Background: Anchored in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and committed to the principles of universality, equality and leaving no one behind, SDG Impact is a UNDP flagship initiative focused on supporting mobilization of private sector capital and investments in support of the SDGs. The vision of SDG Impact is “to contribute to a world where all private sector capital flows contribute to the SDGs”. It will do so by providing investors, businesses and others with clarity, insights, tools and capacities required to authenticate their contributions to achieving the SDGs and to identify SDG investment opportunities in emerging economies and developing countries.

SDG Impact is a “start-up” which aims to develop and demonstrate a viable approach for UNDP to support countries to mobilize significant volumes of private sector investments for SDG achievement. The initiative emphasizes experimentation, innovation and partnerships as it focuses on developing prototype products and services that will be tested, refined and brought to the market in a relatively short time frame.

SDG Impact provides services in three areas:

Impact Management: SDG Impact Assurance Standards: Developing a set of global standards for how investors and enterprises manage and measure their impacts on the SDGs. There is currently no defined standard that enables auditors to assure that an investor’s impact management practice is of sufficient quality to be considered “SDGenabling”. This is critical to drive consistency, comparability and accountability SDG Impact Seal: The standards will be codified into a scoring system and provide the basis for a global certification Seal, which will certify that enterprises and investors have processes in place to define, manage, measure and report on their impacts on the SDGs. A process for accrediting independent certifiers will be created.

Online training program: An on-line course in impact measurement and management is being developed to convey the standards and to guide investors in developing the type of governance, data collection, and reporting practices needed to make investments that are authentically “SDG-enabling.”

Impact Intelligence: SDG Investor Maps: Based on a standardized global methodology, UNDP Country Offices will lead research and preparation of SDG Investor Maps that will translate relevant country level SDG gaps and priorities into private sector investment opportunities. The Maps will provide investors with relevant market intelligence to highlight investment opportunity areas along with data on the expected development impact of such investments. Each Investor Maps will deliver around 20 investment opportunity areas in each country that are underpinned by 17 data points to direct and inform investment decision making.

Investor Map Database: The Investor Maps will be showcased on an online database that responds to the needs of the target audience.

Impact Facilitation: Based on the SDG Investor Maps, investor forums will be convened to facilitate matchmaking and increase SDG aligned private sector investments in a country. Public-private policy dialogues will also be convened to identify recommendations to improve the enabling environment for SDG aligned investments.

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