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Surreal but nice: UN to finance “gender equality advocacy art campaign”

Call: Global creative artist talent platform/network/company for gender equality advocacy art campaign

Contracting Authority: UN WOMEN


Expected start date: 22 November-30 November 2020*

Expected end date: 30 April 2021

OBJECTIVES: UN Women’s Communications & Advocacy Section, within the Strategic Partnerships Division, seeks to launch an art-focused campaign activation online to engage with a creative artist community and talent platform globally. The company or talent network will be responsible for all aspects of the art-focused campaign activation, from setting up an online collaborative platform and engaging creatives around the world to vetting and managing art work that UN Women can use as part of its Generation Equality campaign.



• In collaboration with UN Women’s Communications Branch, produce a creative brief targeting the creative community on Generation Equality

• Set up a fully managed campaign and platform dedicated to UN Women’s collaborative activation with a creative talent network consisting of illustrators, animators and filmmakers. This includes:

o Setting up a dedicated online platform in English (with instructions in additional languages as pdfs*) for artist collaboration and submissions by end December/ early January 2021. The platform should be accessible globally across all regions and able to handle a large number of entries (e.g. anywhere from 3-10k). It is preferred to already tap into an already established creative collaboration platform or talent network

o Engage with and invite a community of thousands of creators/artists to contribute to the platform and art collaboration. The company and/or creative talent network should already have a large network of contacts within the creative/artist community, especially cutting across all regions and age groups.

o Manage and vet all submissions in multiple creative formats (e.g. static, animation, video), file sizes, languages, quality, copyrights and delivery of high res files.

o Organize curated art work submissions (and shortlist of suggested art) for UN Women’s final approval and display on the platform for public viewing.

o In coordination with UN Women’s communications team, set up a social content activation calendar which includes call to actions through UN Women’s digital platforms and partner channels.


• During the campaign period, art work in different languages (approved by UN Women) should be available for public viewing on the collaborative online platform

• At the end of the campaign, the company/talent network is responsible for delivering at least 20 pieces* of art work with project files** representing regional diversity. This art work will be used in perpetuity for UN Women’s advocacy work around Generation Equality and gender equality. The selected works should include a mix of at least:

o 10 static graphics (pngs, jpegs)

o 5 animations (e.g. gifs, simple motion loops, 10 seconds and under)

o 5 videos (10 secs to up to a minute, MP4)

BACKGROUND: UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

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