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Produkce dvou “Storytelling Videos” z Rwandy a Ugandy pro OSN



Tender: Video Production Services – Africa Storytelling Videos

Zadavatel: UNOPS (Nákupní agentura OSN)

Deadline: 8/10

Background: Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) seeks a video authoring, production, and technical support firm to work with Sustainable Energy for All in the production of two multiple-version videos originating from a development journalism/story collecting trip taking place in Africa.

UNOPS office in Geneva is providing project management services for the Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) Partnership including fund management and operational support services. UNOPS is now looking for suitably qualified and experienced Company to provide all technical and administrative support, human resources, materials and equipment necessary for the provision of Video Production Services hereinafter referred to as ‘Services’).

* Objectives: SEforALL is looking for a video producer company based in Europe continent, to help us produce two sets of highly-produced videos, one from Uganda, the second from Rwanda, using raw footage and audio that will be collected by an African-based videographer (an SEforALL consultant).

* Scope of Work: SEforALL will be sending a videographer to Uganda and Rwanda in late September 2018 to generate two stories, each resulting in several videos versions as well as illustrated pieces for major international print outlets and major government/UN audiences. The first piece will focus on the issue of access to electricity in Uganda, the second will unpack clean cooking possibilities in Rwanda. The Europe or UK based video producer company, in coordination with the local videographer (SEforALL consultant) will provide the following:

* Produce two versions of each film, a 4-5 min version and a 1.5 minute version for social media.). This includes substantial involvement in the development of a shooting treatment and narration that reflects accurate and dramatic capture of the issue, collaboration with SEforALL field representatives in setting the factual narrative and storyline and communicating same to the African-based counterparts providing the cinematography and audio recording. Videos will include enhancements, as requested, such as, careful scoring as well as location music, text-on-screen, an animated logo, color correction and a pro-mix to pix. Provide pre-production planning, technical enhancements and post production (assembly, rough-cut, fine-cut, master deliverables. Videos will include relevant logo and branding, as to be agreed with the SEforAll Communications Team. Ownership and copyright privileges for all these videos and promotional remains with Sustainable Energy for All

* Timeline: Start and end of Assignment: Mid October, 2018 to November 23, 2018

* Videos will be presented as treatments prior to the field collection phase, and following the shooting, transcripts and assemblies for collaboration and input, in the rough-cut stage also, for fine-cut approval Novemeber 21 for final delivery by Nov. 23.

Travel: The company will be home based.

Key Personnel

One Video Producer • A minimum of 10 years of experience in producing broadcast-quality, insightful, positive stories on development-oriented solutions from in the developing world including Africa. Demonstrated expertise in pieces related to the impact of mainstream and alternative energy access, and on energy and fuel dependent quotidian activities on the village and urban level. The production company should be up to speed on issues that the contractor portends to enrich the overall intellectual and journalistic input, and they should know how to produce media that grabs hold of the viewer and expose him or her to brand new and exciting perspectives. • Direct video and media production experience working with multilateral institutions, such as governments, donor and lending agencies, leading and grassroots nonprofit organizations, focused on the Sustainable Development Goals in developing countries, including working on green development projects and solar power technology in the rural context. • Ownership or possession of at least one 1080P compatible post-production suites for video, and audio, and encompassing a multi-layered staff capable of detailed oriented and rapid production techniques.

One Video Editor • A minimum of 7 years of experience in film editing • Experience with different editing software including Avid Media Composer, Apple Final Cut Pro (7 & X), Lightworks, Premiere, Da Vinci Resolve, Apple Logic Pro and Adobe Photoshop • Excellent sense of timing and rhythm • An understanding of digital trends, cinematography and editing principles; with an ability to tell a cohesive story • A track record of working effectively under short deadlines and in high-pressure environments. • An acute attention to detail and dedication to accuracy. • Agency or production company experience preferred

One Audio Mixer • Minimum 7 years of experience in audio and/or video post-production environment.

* Company Qualifications: The company must have been in business for at least 3 years of providing video production services in Europe continent.

* Reporting: The successful candidate will administratively be under the overall supervision of the Director of Communications Director of SEforALL.

* Deliverables: • Produce two multiple-version videos, each in multiple lengths (a 4-5 min version and a 1.5 minute version for social media) • Videos will be presented for fine-cut approval November 21and for final delivery by Nov. 23, 2018

* Payments: • 50% Payment upon receipt of schedule timeline by Mid October 2018 • 50% Payment upon approval and receipt of two multiple-version videos (a 4-5 min version and a 1.5 minute version for social media) by Nov. 23, 2018 • The supplier should send an invoice to UNOPS. The invoice shall include the purchase order, number, date of delivery, unit price and total amount. UNOPS will process the payments within 30 days of receipt of the invoice

Contract Duration: the contract is expected to start in Mid October and end in November 30, 2018.

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