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Production of promotional videos about the Internet of Things


Tendr: Ex-ante advertisement for call for tender up to 50.000 €: Production of promotional videos about the Internet of Things (IoT)

Purpose of this call for tenders: the production of at least four (4) promotional videos of maximum two (2) minutes each to illustrate EU’s Internet of Things vision as well as current policy actions and research activities.

The European Commission, through the produced videos, seeks to:

Inform EU citizens and businesses about the positive current and future aspects and benefits of IoT technology and especially its impact on everyday life and economy

Present EU’s IoT current and future policy actions (EU’s IoT vision)

Associate the EU’s policy actions with the future of the technology (explain why the EU is putting forward policy actions)

Make a link with the ongoing EU research and especially with the ongoing IoT large scale pilots (Why EU invests in IoT research and innovation?)

The contractor is asked to provide appealing and simple to understand stories and messages based on examples. The examples can be related to the use cases of the IoT large scale pilots.

The style of the promotional videos should be creative and appealing, eye-catching, fast-paced and modern, effectively communicating the message to the target audience. The videos should attract attention, eventually shock then reassure – possibly obtained by surprise elements, disturbing situations and the use of humour. The video should be as self-explanatory as possible, but voice-over could be used as well as nice graphics. However, the videos cannot be fully animated or 100% cartoon based. It should show real people and covered by realism but with a futuristic approach. The videos should entertain and inform the audience.

Specifically, tasks will include:

* Creating at least two draft concepts

* Writing a clear storyboard/scenario based on the final selected concept

* Creating any necessary animated and/or other graphics

* Shooting

* Renting the right equipment

* Paying the right experts and actors

* Buying and adding music

* Buying and using any necessary images/videos/clips from bank stock

* Using a voice-over (English native speaker) when necessary

* Editing

* Producing HD quality videos (final deliverable)

* Submitting all the produced footage to the European Commission

Deadline 10/8

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