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Need for the interior design concept for an UN agency based in Vienna


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Provision of Design Concepts for the Redesign of the CTBTO Exhibition Areas in the Vienna International Centre

CTBTO – The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization, UN

Deadline for Submission: 27 Oct

INTRODUCTION: The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Commission’) is an international organization located in Vienna, Austria. The Commission is mandated to establish a verification system, which monitors nuclear explosions by everyone, everywhere: on the Earth’s surface, in the atmosphere, underwater and underground.

The Commission also promotes the universalisation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) and its entry into force.

The Commission aims to refresh the way it presents its mission to the larger public and how it engages stakeholders in its compelling and important story.

As part of this re-invigoration, the Public Information Section (LEG/PI) in the Legal and External Relations Division has been tasked with overseeing the redesign of the permanent exhibitions located in the public spaces of the Vienna International Centre (VIC). The activities under this project are financed by the European Commission.


The goal is to have a design concept for the CTBTO exhibition areas in the VIC that will:

1. Showcase and highlight the Commission’s work and achievements since it was established;

2. Raise the Commission’s profile and visibility at the VIC;

3. Ensure brand visibility among Vienna-based international organizations and increase brand awareness among visitors to the VIC. The overall look and feel of the exhibit design concept should be in line with the Commission’s brand guidelines and messaging;

4. Provide a dynamic and interactive visitor experience with “read, watch, and click” elements for audiences that may include key stakeholders: the Member States and government representatives, students, academics, researchers, NGOs, and civil society representatives, as well as UN staff and visitors of the VIC in general. The various elements of the exhibit must be appealing and easy to understand for the wide range of VIC visitors and guided tour participants, and present a harmonious, cohesive, and fluid visual connection of the narrative between the exhibit spaces;

5. Include mobile and multi-purpose elements that can be transported to off-site events.

SCOPE OF WORK: The Commission seeks to establish a contract (Contract) with a qualified contractor (Contractor) for the provision of design concepts (Services/Work). These Terms of Reference (TOR) form a framework for the provision of the work.

The Contractor shall provide the Work that covers the planning and design development phases of the project to redesign the CTBTO exhibition areas at the Vienna International Centre (VIC). The Work will focus on designing the overall concept for the physical aspects of the exhibition space, a permanent feature to propose the following elements: spatial planning, lighting, layout, focal points, and display and grouping of the exhibition objects (such as a multimedia display screen, backdrops, plinths, etc).

Not included: The Work shall not cover the fabrication, production, or implementation phase of the physical elements of the exhibit areas – such as display walls. The production of the audio-visual or multimedia clips to be displayed is also not included.


1. Relevant professional experience and demonstrated ability in exhibit design conceptualisation, especially for projects of similar scope and size;

2. Track record of exciting and creative projects demonstrated in case studies to be shared with the Commission;

3. Demonstrated ability to provide top-level customer service, and proactively problem-solve to deliver the design concepts on time and on budget;

4. Ability to communicate well with clients in English;

5. Possess good listening skills to accurately capture the client’s needs and project requirements;

6. Transparent about the design process and ability to meet project requirements and timelines by sharing design milestones and having regular check-ins;

7. Commitment to sustainable approaches in relation to resources used for similar-sized exhibitions is an advantage.

CTBTO EXHIBITION AREAS in the Vienna International Centre (with reference measurements):

All areas are located on the ground floor in Buildings D and E.

1) OmniGlobe area in Building D near exit to plaza/parking lot:

Width: app. 6.90m

Depth: app. 2.60m

Height: app. 2.50m

Total m2 display area (not including height): app 18m2

2) West corridor in Building E-hallway:

Width: app. 22m

Depth: app. 1.25m – 1.50m (depending on curvature of the corridor)

Height: app. 3.45m (this is the total height of the wall area. No higher than 2.50m)

Total m2 display area (minus height): app. 28m2

3) East corridor in Building E hallway:

Width: app. 19m (shorter than west corridor due to vending machine on the south side)

Depth: app. 1.25m – 1.50m (depending on curvature of the corridor)

Height: app. 3.45m (this is the total height of the wall area. No higher than 2.50m)

Total m2 display area (minus height): app. 24m2

4) North wall in Building E-hallway

Width: app. 3.10m

Depth: app. 1.2m

Height: app. 3.45m (this is the total height of the wall area. No higher than 2.50m)

Total m2 display area (minus height): app. 4m2

Total allotted exhibition space in buildings D and E: approximately 75m2

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