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Návrh loga pro agenturu pro atomovou energii z Vídně

Tendr: Drafting of Graphic Identity and Standard Templates

Zadavatel: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) – The Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), Vídeň

Deadline 21/2

Popis: The Contractor shall provide a comprehensive set of templates for the OIOS official documentation and written deliverables, and an OIOS logo appropriately nested into the IAEA overall ‘brand’ graphic identity, and provide the following deliverables: * Logo of OIOS; * Template for Terms of Reference of OIOS engagements; * Template for engagement-level reports issued by each OIOS function; * Templates for other engagement-level written deliverables (e.g. working papers and briefing notes); * Template for presentations; and * Templates and graphic images for other office-level communication tools (e.g. newsletters, quarterly dashboards / flash reports, and management briefings).

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