Brussels connection

[the one that wins]

the best address for international procurement

Nábytek do konferenčních a jednacích prostor. Pro EPO do Rijswijku


Zakázka: Zakoupení, doručení a instalace různých kusů nábytku pro konferenční a jednací prostory

Zadavatel: The European Patent Organisation (EPO), 80469 Munich, Germany

The scope of this procurement procedure is the purchase, delivery and installation of new furniture and related services for the collaborative, conference and meeting areas in the New Main building in The Hague according to the requirements specified hereafter.

Lot 1 The supply and fitting out of the collaborative areas in the New Main building with representative furniture in line with the architect’s style and finish of the new building;

Lot 2 The supply and fitting out of meeting rooms and video conferencing rooms in the New Main building with representative tables in line with the architect’s style and finish of the new building.

The framework contract(s) shall have a duration of 5 years whereof the majority of the furniture shall be delivered & installed most likely within 3 months after handover of the new building to the EPO which is presently foreseen 2nd Quarter of 2018.

The furniture contract(s) should foresee flexibility in the production and the delivery time of the furniture because the final handover date of the New Main Building still needs to be confirmed by the EPO.

Místo dodání: EPO, Rijswijk, The Netherlands

The selection criteria for the Bidder are the following:

– The contract sum shall not exceed 50% of the bidder’s annual turnover of the previous 3 years for the respective lots. In the event of a joint bid or the use of a subcontractor by the bidder the answer to the present question may take the turnover of that other entity into account.

– The bidder has relevant experience with at least 3 similar projects in the past 5 years in the respective lots. Please provide evidence of at least 3 similar projects including a short description of

Name of the company concerned;

Execution date and value of the project;

A short description of the delivered (furniture) items.

– The bidder shall prove to have sufficient staff with experience & knowledge to cope with such a project. Staff will possess all relevant certificates.

– The bidder is able to deliver all requested items for a sampling phase on short notice (i.e. at the latest 3 weeks after the request).

– The bidder shall deliver:

Pictures of the suggested furniture;

Samples of all relevant material (e.g. upholstery, fabric, tabletops)

 Deadline pro doručení (!!!) nabídek: 19/9

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